Thursday, May 23, 2013

Creator: Braedyn R.

Miss Caroline Fisher's Entertainment Segment

Symbols of To kill a Mockingbird

To kill a Word Search


Cross Word

"I Too, Sing America"
by: Langston Hughes

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And Grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America


Poem analysis:
          This poem, in my opinion, is about equality and standing up for what one believes is right.  I think that Langston Hughes is saying that black people are a part of America too and should be treated equally.  He seems very passionate about this which is understandable considering how big of an issue it was at the time.  I can't really say that I have really ever felt as he does, that he is not good enough to bee seen, and or he's an embarrassment to them.  I think this poem is meant to inspire the reader to have strength no matter what the issue may be and to stand up for what you believe in.  It's a subject expanded upon in To "Kill a Mockingbird."  Tom Robinson must feel like this because he is constantly put down by those around him, mainly the Ewells.


"The Meaning of Freedom"
question poem
By: Braedyn R.

What does it mean to be free?

Is it to be who we want?
Is it to create what we wish?
Or is it enjoy life as we see fit?

Do we have to agree with each other?
Does our government decide for us?
Must we conform to society's norms?

Is it really about enjoying life as we see fit?
Or is it enjoying life as others see fit?

Dr. Reynolds's Obituaries Segment

Earlier last week, Mr. Bob Ewell was found dead under a big tree near Maycomb's elementary school.  Bob was never a rich man, he may not have been the nicest to those around him, but he tried to support his big family as a single dad to the best he could.  Bob Ewell was a farmer who was hit hard by the depression and could barely afford to get food on the table for his children.  His family has been through rough times for ages and his children could not even afford to go to school, they had to help their dad farm or hunt for dinner.  He will be missed dearly by his many children who will be sent to live with their relatives in another town.  

Bob Ewell's Letter to the Editor

  What is with that Atticus Finch?  He was spitting damned lies all about my family during the black man's trial.  Atticus does not know who he is messing with, I would never beat my Mayella!  It was the black man, and he raped her too!  What proof does he have to back up that I beat her?  It was obviously the black man, he's always hanging around my farm and messing with my kids.  I won the case anyways,  so obviously it was the black man that beat and raped Mayella, anyone who says otherwise is lying.  I will get Atticus back for this public humiliation one way or another, he'll never see it coming, that's for sure.  

Mr. Heck Tate's Interview Segment

                                            -Interview with Atticus Finch-
Heck Tate:   " So Mr. Finch, you have been the talk of the town lately so I decided it would be a good idea to interview you and allow you to clear the air about what's going on with the Tom Robinson case.  Let's get right into the questions..."

Heck Tate:  "Why do you intend to defend Tom Robinson to the best of your ability?"

Atticus Finch: "Well, as a lawyer and a father, I cannot do anything but try my best to defend this man to the best of my ability.  It is my job to do just so, what kind of lawyer would I be if I didn't try to defend my defendant?"

Heck Tate:  "You say that you must do this as a father too, what do you mean by that?"

Atticus Finch: "If I can't do my job right, how can I even look my kids in the eyes?  I must do this to teach them a lesson of personal integrity."

Heck Tate: "Okay, how about the opposing side, the Ewells, what do you think about them?"

Atticus Finch:  "They are simply my opponents in this case, I hold no personal hatred towards them or do I even know them all to well."

Heck Tate: "There has been a lot of remarks about this case towards your family, how has this affected your family?"

Atticus Finch:  "My kids have been taking it very well considering their age.  I'm supporting them as much as I can and they are doing the same for me."

Heck Tate: "One last question so I don't take up to much of your time.  How do you think your case will hold up in court?"

Atticus Finch: "I'm fairly confident that I have figured out the truth of what happened in this case, you will have to see the rest in court as the specific details are confidential."

Heck Tate: "Thank you for your time Atticus, and good luck to you on this case.  It will be a good one I bet!"

Aunt Alexandra's Society segment

There seems to be a lot of violence and hatred in Maycomb as seen last week when a mob formed around the county jail.  This mob had formed because of the Tom Robinson case, the prisoner was moved to this jail just before his trial the next morning.  The mob was determined to kill this man before his trial had a chance to come to court, what does this say about the people of Maycomb?  Atticus Finch and Heck Tate had to stay in the jail overnight in order to save Tom's life from the mob.  Many were disgusted by this act of violence and supported Heck Tate in letting the trial decide this man's fate, not the mob.  At the very least, the town of Maycomb has a solid authority to trust in situations like this.  Apparently rumors had spread about Atticus for defending Tom Robinson and the mob was willing to attack him in order to get to Tom.  It took Atticuss's children, who unknowingly walked into the center of it, to break up the mob.  It is a disgrace that children had to be involved in such a crime as the one this mob of men were committing.  Names of the members of the mob were not released but it is safe to say they have been calmed down.

Mr. Underwood's News Segment

    Our town of Maycomb was rocked by the Tom Robinson case in court.  It was a heavily controversial case with Atticus Finch defending Tom Robinson against the Ewell family who claimed Tom raped Bob Ewell's daughter, Mayella Ewell.  the event was hosted at our local courthouse run by John Taylor.  Atticus put up a good case for Tom Robinson and tried to put the blame on Mayella's bruises on none other then Bob Ewell himself.  The jury was not all decided when it was time to decide and it took over 3 hours to come up with a verdict on the case.  It was decided that Tom should be found guilty of rape and sent to death in the end.  Bob Ewell still didn't seem satisfied because Atticus pushed all the accusations towards him.  It would seem that the jury found Tom guilty because they thought there was just not enough proof supporting Tom's defense.  Atticus seemed displeased by the result of the case aswell and he even had his kids watching him from the balcony.  This was a pretty hopeless case to begin with and the Finches had to deal with a lot of scrutiny from the public about it.