Thursday, May 23, 2013

Aunt Alexandra's Society segment

There seems to be a lot of violence and hatred in Maycomb as seen last week when a mob formed around the county jail.  This mob had formed because of the Tom Robinson case, the prisoner was moved to this jail just before his trial the next morning.  The mob was determined to kill this man before his trial had a chance to come to court, what does this say about the people of Maycomb?  Atticus Finch and Heck Tate had to stay in the jail overnight in order to save Tom's life from the mob.  Many were disgusted by this act of violence and supported Heck Tate in letting the trial decide this man's fate, not the mob.  At the very least, the town of Maycomb has a solid authority to trust in situations like this.  Apparently rumors had spread about Atticus for defending Tom Robinson and the mob was willing to attack him in order to get to Tom.  It took Atticuss's children, who unknowingly walked into the center of it, to break up the mob.  It is a disgrace that children had to be involved in such a crime as the one this mob of men were committing.  Names of the members of the mob were not released but it is safe to say they have been calmed down.

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