Thursday, May 23, 2013

Miss Stephanie Crawford's Gossip Segment

Rumors are spreading about a black worker named Calpernia that Atticus Finch has hired to do the cleaning around his home.  Apparently she is fairly well educated for a colored person, or that's what I've heard from Atticuss's children at least. Even if she is educated, Atticus is allowing her to teach his kids to be vulgar little demons.  His daughter has been cursing all over town thanks to Calpernia and she was also being very disobedient to her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher. I think Atticus should fire Calpernia before she can do any more damage to the kids.


Miss Dubose, an old friend of mine, has recently passed away after Jem and Jean-Louse Finch had been reading to her for weeks.  She was a pleasant lady who has never harmed anyone and those children killed her with their reading.  I heard there was loud screaming coming from her household just before she passed away and Jem and Scout were seen leaving not long after.  Who knows what these kids did to her, I hear Jem never wanted to read to her in the first place so it's possible that he killed her to get out of reading.


The sheriff of our fine town can't even protect us from a rabid dog according to my sources.  He was seen passing his rifle to Atticus Finch by yours truly.  If he can't trust himself to shoot a slow moving dog, how can we trust him to protect us from a real threat.  He had to hand it off to an old man like Atticus that can barely walk around, let alone shoot a gun. Luckily, the dog was taken care of and nobody was harmed, this time.

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