Thursday, May 23, 2013

Miss Maudie Atkinson's Advice Segment

Dear Miss Maudie,
                               Some of my students whom shall remain nameless are only showing up to school on the first day and then disappear for the rest of the year. what should I do about them?
                                                                - Caroline Fisher

Sounds like some troublesome kids.  You can't really force a kid to do something they aren't capable of though.  Your best bet would be to try to talk to their parents about the matter and see what the cause of all this is.  It is possible that their parents will have a reason for this and can make a change.
                                                               - Miss Maudie

Dear Miss Maudie,
                               I have been trying to act more mature now that I'm older but my father still treats me like a child.  How can I get him to see me as the young adult that I am?
                                                               - Jem Finch

Maturity is not something that you can pretend to have.  You need to live it at all times.  Games and playing are for children, try collecting something like magazines or coins.  Be polite yet firm and do not make silly jokes.  Your father is a smart man and knows you are growing up but he is still your father regardless of how old you are so he will always look out for you.
                                                              - Miss Maudie

Dear Miss Maudie,
                                People keep on calling me the town gossip, I constantly have to deal with snarky remarks pointed towards me because of this.  I don't believe I'm lying, I'm spreading the truth as I hear it. How can I stop these remarks?
                                                             - Stephanie Crawford

You are gossiping about the town and people don't like being talk to behind their back.  If you want to spread news, that's fine but don't go spreading it without getting the full story, especially of all involved in the situation.  Hopefully this will help stop those snarky remarks aimed towards you.
                                                            - Miss Maudie

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